Our journey and purpose consists of seeking complete learning and new discovery. Read more about 'Ike Roa and the founding wahine.

Aloha is more than a word of greeting, farewell, or a salutation. The true meaning of aloha plays a major role in the culture and dances.

For Active Students:
We are blessed with opportunities to learn from some of the best instructors from around the world.

If you are ready to make the commitment that goes along with becoming a student of hula and ori, please contact the instructor today. Students who want to take their education to the next level are expected to dedicate the required time to the classes and necessary outside practice in order to enhance their experience and cultural education. Students are also expected to follow class protocols.
Student fees support the dance studio, lessons, and continuing education of the students. Please contact the instructor before attending your first class.
Monthly Member Fee $40